Expelliarmus is an iconic spell from the Harry Potter films and is a damaging spell with utility in Hogwarts Legacy. Players will get the most out of this spell against enemies that can have their wands or weapons disarmed.
Table of Contents
How to Get Expelliarmus
Players can learn Expelliarmus as a reward for completing Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2. In this assignment, players will be tasked with dodge rolling and using Incendio.
How to Use
Spell Description: Disarms wands and weapons from most enemies who wield them. Also deals damage to all enemies, even if they do not carry a weapon.
Spell Effect: Disarm enemies and deal damage, regardless if they have a weapon or not.
Cooldown Time: 10 seconds
- Wand users that are disarmed with this spell may run to their wand to pick it up. Take advantage of this time to damage them or deal with other enemies
- This spell can be used to break red-colored enemy shields
- Goblins disarmed with this spell typically change to a weaker attack that can be blocked with Protego
Talent Synergies
Talents let you further customize your combat style by enhancing specific spells in Hogwarts Legacy. Use the talents below to further enhance your use of Expelliarmus.
Disarming Curse
Add a curse to Expelliarmus and deal increased to this enemy. Also, take advantage of other curse benefits with more talents in Dark Arts.
Ancient Magic Throw Expertise
Use Ancient Magic Throw on disarmed weapons following Expelliarmus for extra damage. Note: This doesn’t work on all enemies with wands or weapons.
Trait Synergies
Traits are extra enhancements in Hogwarts Legacy that you can weave into each of your 6 pieces of Gear: Handwear, Facewear, Headwear, Neckwear, Cloaks and Robes, Outfit. Use the following traits on your pieces of Gear to get the most out of Expelliarmus.
Disarming I, Disarming II, and Disarming III
Increase damage done with Expelliarmus.
Spell Combos
Hogwarts Legacy gives players plenty of spells to use for combat. Learn these spells combos that include Expelliarmus for extra benefits.
Expelliarmus -> Ancient Magic Throw (Ancient Magic Throw Expertise)
Doesn’t work on all enemies
Use this spell combo to remove an enemy’s main weapon then use it against them for big damage. Do this by first casting Expelliarmus to disarm the cast Ancient Magic Throw when the prompt above the weapon is shown.
Arresto Momentum -> Glacius -> Expelliarmus
Cast Arresto Momentum to put the enemy in a stunned state and gain critical damage on your spells. Then cast Glacius further increasing damage on the next attack. Last, cast Expelliarmus for increased damage.