accio spell icon in hogwarts legacy

Accio – Hogwarts Legacy

Accio is a Force spell in Hogwarts Legacy that pulls objects and enemies toward the player.

How to Get Accio

Players can learn the Accio spell when attending the Charms class for the first time.

accio spell description in hogwarts legacySpell Info

Spell Description: Summons a variety of objects and enemies to close range. Certain magical and heavy objects require sustained effort to pull close. When a summoned object reaches you, you will automatically cast Wingardium Leviosa to continue levitating and controlling it without the need for additional button inputs.

Spell Effect: Levitate and pull enemies toward the player
Spell Effect Duration: 2 seconds
Cooldown Time: 8 seconds

  • This spell can be used to break purple-colored enemy shields
  • Use this spell to pull and move objects to solve puzzles
  • Accio automatically activates Wingardium Leviosa when used on an object
  • This spell is used to play Summoner’s Court

Talent Synergies

Talents let you further customize your combat style by enhancing specific spells in Hogwarts Legacy. Use the talents below to further enhance your use of Accio.

Accio Mastery

Enemies near a target summoned by Accio are also pulled to you. Great for controlling crowds.

Spell Combos

Hogwarts Legacy gives players plenty of spells to use for combat. Learn these spells combos that include Accio for extra benefits.

Accio -> Descendo -> Glacius -> Incendio

First, pull an enemy in with Accio, then slam to the ground with Descendo. Next cast Glacius with to increase the damage of your last spell, Incendio.

Levioso -> Basic Cast -> Accio -> Basic Cast

Perform this 10-spell combo to defeat enemies and build up significant amounts of Ancient Magic Meter. Start by lifting an enemy up with Levioso, then cast Basic Cast 4 times, then use Accio to pull the enemy back, and last, cast Basic Cast 4 more times.