Ghost of Tsushima

Legendary Weapons

Item Name Gear Slot Gear Type Special Ability
Demon Cutter Katana Moon Stance Katana Staggering a target has a 30% chance to throw nearby enemies
Masamune's Edge Katana Wind Stance Katana Melee attacks have a 20% chance to deal double damage
Master's Katana Katana All Stance Katana Enables all 4 sword stances
Stone Striker Katana Stone Stance Katana Grants Heavenly Strike (Circle + Triangle)
Does extra damage and repels nearby enemies when used on a staggered enemy
Costs 1 Resolve
Wrath of Sarugami Katana Water Stance Katana Changes Perfect Parry to a 3-hit counterattack
Yoshitsune's Hand Katana Water Stance Katana Staggered targets have a 30% chance of being knocked down
Forbidden Medicine Ranged Bomb Pack Bombs heal players
Heaven's Sting Ranged Blowgun Has a 20% chance of killing non-oni
Sugaru's Sight Ranged Half Bow Auto-targets and shoots up to 3 targets at once
The Weightless Spirit Ranged Half Bow Arrows don't descend and travel faster
Benkei's Last Stand Charm Legendary Charm 75% chance to ignore arrow damage
Enjo's Remorse Charm Legendary Charm Deal 15% bonus damage when at full health
Heavenly Rebuke Charm Legendary Charm Grants Heavenly Strike (Circle + Triangle)
There is a 50% chance for lightning to strike a nearby enemy
Costs 1 Resolve
Last Breath Charm Legendary Charm Heal 50 health instead of taking fatal damage once every 5 minutes
Restorative Rhythm Charm Legendary Charm Hitting a healing drum heals all allies and revives all downed allies
Sarugami's Glare Charm Legendary Charm Perfect dodge counterattack becomes spinning attack that staggers enemies it hits
Shogun's Fortitude Charm Legendary Charm Players becomes immune to flash and poison
Lady Sanjo's Surprise Ghost Weapon 1 Dirt Throw Enemies hit by the dirt throw have a 25% chance to hallucinate
Magma Bomb Ghost Weapon 1 Sticky Bomb Sticky bomb that creates a cloud of smoke when it explodes
Spirit Kunai Ghost Weapon 1 Kunai Decreases cooldown of all abilities and ghost weapons by 10 seconds for each enemy killed
The Touch of Heaven Ghost Weapon 1 Sticky Bomb Sticky bomb that heals allies near its explosion
Bottle of Liquid Courage Ghost Weapon 2 Healing Gourd Refills 1-2 resolve when used
Demon Seeds Ghost Weapon 2 Caltrops Applies weaken to enemies
Kenji's Shared Brew Ghost Weapon 2 Healing Gourd Heals nearby allies
The Mist of Yagata Ghost Weapon 2 Smoke Bomb Heals allies inside the smoke
yoshitsune's hand description

Ghost of Tsushima Legendary Gear: Yoshitsune’s Hand

The Yoshitsune’s Hand is a legendary gear item from the multiplayer Ghost of Tsushima: Legends. It is a legendary weapon that goes in the Katana gear slot. How to Get the Yoshitsune’s Hand The Yoshitsune’s Hand is obtained as a legendary random drop when completing Ghost of Tsushima: Legends missions. Because it doesn’t drop from

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